Anti-Semitism across continents last year

Written by Super User 24 Jan 2015
Anti-Semitism across continents last year

In Argentina swastikas were etched on a Jewish community centre, a Jewish cemetery was desecrated while swastikas were painted on Rabbi’s homes, Synagogues and Israeli Cultural buildings. In Australia swastikas were painted on a Central Synagogue. Flyers were placed in mailboxes of Jewish neighbourhoods inviting people to join Squadron 88, a white supremacist group. In Antwerp, Belgium, a rabbi walking to Synagogue was stabbed in the throat and a Belgian doctor refused to treat a Jewish woman. In Brazil swastikas were painted on a Jewish cultural centre In Bulgaria ‘death to Jews’ and a swastika were painted on Sofia’s Synagogue. In Canada obscenities and swastikas were painted on bus shelters, playgrounds, schools and synagogues. In Holland a Holocaust monument was desecrated, an apartment displaying the Jewish flag was firebombed and the country's Chief Rabbi’s home was attacked. In Ireland Mexico, Morocco Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and New Zealand Jewish communities are being targeted.

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