Yemen: Abducted Christians update

Written by Super User 24 May 2010

In June last year nine Christians were kidnapped - three were later murdered. (See Prayer Alert 3009) Two of the captives have been found - Lydia and Anna aged 5 and 4 respectively were in a Saudi Arabian military operation in the disputed border region of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Following hospital assessments in Saudi Arabia they returned to Germany on 19th May in good physical health. There is still no news of their parents Johannes and Sabine, their brother Simon aged 2 or of Tom the British man kidnapped with them. A peace agreement signed in February between the Yemeni government and militia ended a period of armed conflict in disputed border areas. Christians in Yemen request our prayers for Lydia and Anna to know the presence and peace of Jesus and recover well from the trauma of captivity; that the missing four (assuming they are alive) to know God’s daily provision and be released unharmed shortly.

Pray: for close relatives to be able to provide the loving and secure environment the released children need, free from unwanted intrusion or publicity. (Ps.90:14)


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