Syria: Over 5,000 deaths since March

Written by Super User 28 Sep 2011

Pro-democracy protests begun in March 2011 are continuing despite fierce government opposition. President Bashar al-Assad has responded by killing over 5,000 of his citizens according to new statistics from human rights researchers. Thousands more have been arrested and tortured. 148 children were killed mainly by gunshots to the upper body. A report found 16 of the children had suffered severe torture in detention before their deaths. Amnesty International said, ‘It is difficult to second guess the motivation for torturing and killing children in custody. It may be that security forces hope to terrify people off the streets with the threat of what could happen to their children.’ International leaders are calling for al-Assad to step down and cease his attempts to put down and crush the serious threat to his family's 40-year rule. He repeatedly rejects these calls claiming demonstrations are ‘foreign-inspired plots,’ Syrian Christians request prayers for God to intervene and for political and emotional healing for the land.

Pray: for a peaceful transition of power, and for leaders to truly know God and serve with integrity. (Zec.13:9)


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