Syria: More Christian kidnapping

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2013

Syrian Christians continue to request our prayers for their country. They note that, in recent months, there have been increasing numbers of attacks on Christians that seem to be religiously motivated. One example occurred on 9th February when two priests, Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox), were kidnapped when travelling by public bus between Damascus and Aleppo. The bus was stopped by armed men belonging to one of the groups fighting the government. The gunmen checked the identity documents of all passengers and only the two priests were taken. A Salesian priest travelling with them was not kidnapped. Negotiations for their release are on-going. Other kidnappings have been reported, especially in al-Hasakah Province where some Christians have demonstrated publicly to protest against this alarming new trend. There have been a number of assaults on church buildings and other Christian property. Such attacks are often interpreted as warnings or threats to the Christian communities.

Pray: that the violence in Syria will cease, and peace and justice will be established for all Syrians; those who have been kidnapped will be released unharmed. (Ps.7:9)


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