Syria: Confrontation and confusion

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2011

Syrian state media reported ‘violence accounts were exaggerated propaganda’; however two government members resigned in protest to violent crackdowns. The Bishop of the Syriac Orthodox church, Philoxenos Mattias, said, ‘We are with the government and against movements opposing it, in Syria we don’t have problems like Christians in other countries. We have no problem with the president.’ See Meanwhile two Syrian bloggers recorded opposing views:- ‘The media is mistaken. I am Christian and Syrian and know that Syrian Christians are for the government. Sunni Muslims are trying to bring it down’ a different Syrian blogger wrote, ‘Christians are afraid they will lose the Allawites protection; the Allawites of losing their privileged position; the Asaads and Baath party of losing the millions of dollars from abusing their position and the Sunnis are sick of being second class citizens in a country where they are the majority.’ See

Pray: the Lord will accomplish His plans and purposes, bringing a smooth transition of power to leaders under His authority. (Jude1:25)


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