Syria: Church training continues despite turmoil

Written by Super User 20 Apr 2012

Last Friday marked the start of Easter for Christians across the Middle East; tens of thousands of Christians have fled Homs to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. ‘We are following events in Syria very, very closely. We have personnel in Syria and we continue to pray for them’ said Arab World Ministries’ Christine McLaren. ‘Christians are suffering more than many in Syria because they felt a degree of sympathy with the al-Assad regime. The relative freedom to gather and worship that they enjoyed under al-Assad leaves them with mixed feelings about any change of leader.’ She added, ‘ People are afraid because Christians have felt a measure of protection greater than other Christians in the Middle East, but being aligned with the regime has now made them vulnerable to attack and identified them as enemies of the people.' Across the Middle East, Christians have been targeted throughout their ‘Holy Days’ seasons.

Pray: for the Christian workers resourcing and equipping the church, and may God do miraculous feats amongst this generation - pray for the extension of God’s kingdom throughout the Middle East. (Mt.16:18)



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