Nigeria: Potential ethnic violence flaring

Written by Super User 09 Nov 2010

Violence between the the Berom Christians and Hausa Fulani communities flared up in March this year and community leaders in Nigeria's Plateau State are appealing again for calm in villages outside the city of Jos. At least six people - women and children - were killed, cattle slaughtered and homes burned in one village this week. In January and March this year, similar attacks prompted a spiral of rioting and killing in the region that left hundreds of people dead. Leaders in Ranwianku are urging residents not to think of revenge. In one incident an elderly woman, unable to flee the armed gang, was killed along with a young mother and four small children. Ranwianku is a predominantly Christian settlement. The attackers spoke the Fulani language.

Pray: that the two communities would learn to love their neighbour and live together peacefully. (Mt.6:12-13)


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