Nigeria: Post Election needs

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2011

Tuesday’s gubernatorial and states' legislature votes ended the 2011 elections on a very peaceful note across the country, after weeks of outraged protesters attacking Christian supporters of the president. Relief officials estimate at least 65,000 were displaced as a result of election tensions. Security forces reinforced northern states where post-election violence included killing and maiming innocent citizens, setting fire to business premises, private homes, and places of worship. Authorities blamed Islamist sect Boko Haram for challenging Nigeria's Christian government. Nigeria has a Muslim North and Christian South with hostility between them exacerbated by indigene/settler laws, discriminatory employment practices, and resource competition.

Pray: for the concluding election results to be accepted across the country and for Boko Haram to lose authority and status in communities. (Nu.6:26)

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