Myanmar: Ethnic Christians and election

Written by Super User 30 Oct 2010

Myanmar’s (Burma's) first election in 20 years is on November 7th and Christians in ethnic minority states fear that afterwards the military regime will try to ‘cleanse’ the areas of Christianity. The Myanmar junta is showing restraint to woo voters but are expected to launch a military offensive on insurgents after the election that will not discriminate between insurgents and unarmed Christians. Two million Christians live along the border that falls under the military’s target zone bordering Thailand, China and India. Catholic parishes and Protestant Myanmar Council of Churches had a prayer vigil recently and ask us to pray now for - voters to make the correct decision; the election to be free, fair and valid; for leaders who will work and make sacrifices for their people and country; elected people to be skilful leaders and able to work with their heart and soul for the development of the country and steer the country onto the road to democracy. See:

Pray: that there will be no conflicts between people groups after the election and for God to hear and answer the prayers of His people for the government. (2Ch.7:14)


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