Myanmar: Ethiopian-like starvation

Written by Super User 08 Dec 2012

It's a situation being ignored by the international media and governments around the world. In May 2012 violence broke out between Buddhists (Rakhine people) and Muslim (Rohingya people) Although the Myanmar government says the situation is normal, violence continues to occur and between 80,000 - 200,000 people have been displaced. The Rakhine people consider the Rohingya illegal immigrants living in their land, even though many of the Rohingya have lived there for many generations and have no other home. People have set up shelters along the road and the refugee population is swelling into a humanitarian crisis with small children and infants dying on a regular basis. A Christian organization called Partners Relief & Development (PRAD) reported that those needing care is growing every day and there is a need for more teams to go to Myanmar with aid and more world governments to speak loudly against what is happening.

Pray: for light in this very dark place, may the situation come to the attention of world governments and for relief to be released to the starving, dying and homeless. (Ps.4:1b)



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