Morocco: Fatwa demands death sentence for Christian converts

Written by Super User 02 May 2013

On April 25th Morocco’s highest Islamic institute issued a fatwa demanding the death penalty for Muslims who renounce their religion. The Supreme Ulema Council of Morocco (CSO) a body of Islamic scholars headed by King Mohammed VI said that Muslims who reject their faith ‘should be condemned to death.’ CSO is the only instit ution entitled to issue 'fatwas' (religious decrees) in Morocco. The ministry of Islamic affairs declined to comment on the issue and a senior human rights official in the Moroccan government denied reports that the government received a fatwa on ‘apostasy.’ The different statements could not be immediately reconciled but local Christians expressed concern about the situation saying it could lead to a new crackdown on the country's tiny Christian communi ty of 22,000 people in a nation of 32 million. ‘There's a lot of confusion and discussion in Morocco right no w about the fatwa,’ said a Marrakech pastor.

Pray: that the fatwa will not be approved and for Christians to be protected from harassm ent and arrest. (Ps.90:17)


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