Morocco: Believers arrested

Written by Super User 20 Apr 2012

Three believers were arrested in a café on March 1st. During detention police gained information about other secret Moroccan believers. The arrest involved two young men meeting an older believer from another city. The two young men were released but the older believer remains in custody. The families of the two young men did not know they were following Christ. One of them is no longer welcome in his home now his beliefs are known. Many foreign Christians and missionaries were expelled from Morocco two years ago, creating a significant impact on the Church as anti-Christian sentiment seems to be growing. Moroccan believers now meet in small groups for fear of persecution. Becoming a Christian in Morocco is not illegal, but it’s illegal to share the gospel with non-Christians. Please pray that Moroccan believers, that passion for Christ will be a light that draws many others to Christ.

Pray: for Moroccan Christians to be protected as they face the threats of reprisals, pray also for those jailed to be strengthened in their faith and remain strong in the Lord. (Mat. 5:14-16).



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