Middle East: Update

Written by Super User 06 Apr 2011

Syria’s government resigned and appointed caretaker premier Naji al-Otari. The government has little power in Syria, where control is in the hand of President Assad, his family and the security apparatus. Otari has been prime minister since 2003. See:  Saudi Arabian women are demanding equality in a country where women can’t drive or vote and need male  approval to work and travel. They are attempting to force change with online organizing that helped topple Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak. See: l Bahrain detaines bloggers and supporters of Shiite-led pro-reform protests. Hundreds of opposition activists and leaders have been detained since martial-type laws were introduced two weeks ago. See: Egypt's Zahi Hawass the minister of state under ousted President Mubarak was re elected to a government post. His appointment will anger pro-democracy activists calling for all old regime elements to be eliminated.

Pray: for a mighty recognition of God's purposes and plans by all to whom He gives His authority and for courage for them to do whatever He tells them. (Jn.2:3)

More: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5i2JVifEYiqojJkfmiwSLj22tg7uQ?docId=CNG.bfb8229dcf908f07a113483065bb30aa.281

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