Middle East: Unity in mission

Written by Super User 01 Jul 2011

In Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and across the Middle East Christian mission workers have many diverse approaches to fulfilling the Great Commission. This diversity in recent years has raised issues regarding ministry among Muslims and pushed Christian leaders into two different camps. God desires unity. Right now over 50 leaders are gathering in the USA sharing viewpoints in the spirit of Christ to listen, ask questions, hear one another's hearts and concerns, and move toward increased mutual understanding and appreciation for each other. We can cover this meeting in prayer asking the Lord to show them His way forward; that the consultation would bring stronger Christ-honouring interaction and deeper understanding of God’s work in the light of His word; that these meetings will result in greater understanding and unity among workers in the Muslim world and that the gathering will build bridges and help move public discourse into more positive directions

Pray: that the schemes of the devil would be defeated and the glory of Jesus would shine more brightly into the Muslim world. (Ps.2:9-11)

More: http://www.cryoutnow.org/

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