Libya: Praying into the crisis

Written by Super User 09 Jun 2011

The following statements are posted to aid informed prayer for Libya. 1.The West’s military campaign and attendant instability present strategic threats to Libya’s neighbours. 2. There is a large-scale refugee crisis. 3. The risk of infiltration by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb whose networks of activists are present in Algeria, Mali and Niger. 4. Mounting bitterness on both sides constituting a heavy legacy for any post-Qaddafi government. 5. When pressures finally force Qaddafi out there’s a possibility the transition to democracy could face a vacuum due to no second choice government waiting in the wings. 6. Political and security implications for Libya’s neighbours during government transition may well aggravate an already serious humanitarian crisis. 7. The prospect for Libya and North Africa is increasingly ominous, unless a negotiated compromise for an orderly transition to a post-Qaddafi state that has legitimacy in the eyes of the Libyan people is achieved.

Pray: for God to be in every detail of resolving Libya’s civil war. (Ps.4:1)



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