Libya: Prayer for new future

Written by Super User 28 Oct 2011

Arab World Media are sharing with you so you can pray with understanding. Pray for those 1) who need to work through what they have seen and experienced 2) the hurt and grieving 3) for healing, peace and a sense of community to prevail against fear or despair for the future 4) Many women have been raped - rather than being made to feel dirty and ashamed may they be supported and loved by families and community 5) Those who have committed war crimes to be brought to justice and that those bringing them to justice would do so lawfully 6) the National Transitional Council as it seeks to rebuild Libya and bring stability and for future leadership 7) Government to be just and fair, working against corruption and for the people 8) That all the hurt, suffering and pain would result in something greater than we can imagine and the name of Jesus to be known and glorified by many Libyans!

Pray: for mission agencies and tent makers to reach out to Libyans with the message and hope of Christ while tackling difficult subjects and questions. (Ro.15:21)


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