Libya: Islamic Sharia Law

Written by Super User 28 Oct 2011

Mustafa Abdul Jalil, chairman of the National Transitional Council, declared Libya a liberated nation in a ceremony in Benghazi on Sunday, three days after the death of former dictator Moammar Gadhafi and said ‘Islamic Sharia law will be the basis for the country’s new government.’ He called Libyans to show patience and tolerance as the transitional government begins rebuilding the country after eight months of civil war, promising all legislation will be based on Sharia law, and any laws that contradict Sharia will be nullified. The country's banking system will also be run according to Islamic principles. Jalil also encouraged anti-government protesters in Syria and Yemen to carry on until they ‘achieve their hopes.’

Pray: a new democracy to be birthed that would acknowledge and treat justly all religions in Libya. (Ps.119:45)


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