Written by Super User 02 Mar 2011

Unrest spreading across North Africa has hit a mighty resistance in Libya. An Open Doors’ contact in Libya reports, ‘It is much worse than the news items. There are no police in the streets, no safety or protection.’ See: While president Muammar Gaddafi threatens major violence against protestors and anyone who demands he step down and hundreds already killed in attempts to silence protestors. Mission workers are saying, ‘Time is now for the Arab world to hear the Gospel’ and ‘usually we say hardship is difficult and we are scared of it, but hardship has brought blessing it has made us stronger in our faith, hopefully it will make the church bold enough to share the Gospel with the majority people.’ see For insights to aid prayer into the roots of Libya’s identity click the ‘More’ button.

Pray for an end to bloodshed and that the unrest in Libya would pave the way for a Christian and democratic revival. (Hab.3:13)



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