Kenya: Grenade Attack on Church

Written by Super User 08 May 2012

On Sunday a grenade explosion killed 27-year-old university student Kelvin Walumba at God’s House of Miracles International Church in Nairobi. Sixteen people were also injured. Islamic extremists from al Shabaab rebels in Somalia have embarked on a series of attacks in Kenya after the Kenyan military invaded Somali territory last autumn in an attempt to quell al Shabaab violence at tourist destinations. Speculation that the attack stemmed from a land dispute were untrue, as the dispute with the church was resolved in court last year. Four church members are in a critical condition: Leonida Mbogo, Julia Mumbi, Ezekiel Muthini and Shalom Koronge. Mbogo sustained serious injuries to her leg, which was broken. The explosion comes a week after the U.S. Embassy in Kenya issued a possible terror attack warning. It also comes less than a month after a similar explosion took place in Mtwapa, claiming one life and injuring 30+.

Pray: against anti-Christian violence, and may Kenyan troops and government win the battle against al-Shabab. (Ps.12:7)



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