Kenya: Faith leaders urge calm after court indicts politicians

Written by Super User 26 Jan 2012

Faith leaders in Kenya called for calm after the International Criminal Court in The Hague committed to trial high-ranking politicians for crimes against humanity in connection with violence following elections in 2007. Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, fellow presidential candidate William Ruto, cabinet secretary Francis Muthaura and radio journalist Joshua Sang will be tried for an orchestrated campaign to displace, torture, and kill civilians. More than 1,200 people died and around 650,000 were left homeless in clashes in the Rift Valley, Nyanza, Nairobi and Central provinces. ‘We call for sobriety and restraint as Kenyans engage in discussion and interpretation of the decision and its ramifications,’ said the Rev Peter Karanja, the general secretary of the National Council of Churches of Kenya, in a statement on 23 January. The council in 2009 urged the court to investigate the violence, following failure by the government to establish a local justice system to deal with the causes.

Pray: for restraint as these politicians engage in discussion. Pray for peace and justice. (Job.34:17a)


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