Kenya: Drought: Church says lessons haven’t been learned

Written by Super User 11 Aug 2011

The Anglican Church of Kenya accused the government for failing to adequately address the famine and drought gripping the country, as the government allocated $109 million to combat drought in the north. The church blamed ‘poor planning and poor priorities’ and ‘massive underinvestment’ in agriculture, research and food security. The Kenyan government has not attained the African Union recommended target of 10% of budgeted expenditure being devoted to agriculture. The Church said the crisis reflected the government's ‘consistent failure to learn’ from previous food shortages. The Church also said, ‘This famine did not come as a surprise, the drought was predicted well in advance, but timely interventions were not made either with dams to harvest water or beefing up of strategic food reserves despite previous bumper harvests.’

Pray: for God to cause the government to make successful short and long term strategies that meet the needs of all. (Pr.16:2-3)


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