Kenya: Day of prayer 10.10.10

Written by Super User 09 Oct 2010

Bishop Dominic Kimengich said Kenya suffers from illiteracy, poor leadership, a large refugee population from Somalia and the Sudan, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and growing gang violence connected to guns available from unstable bordering nations. Kimengich hopes to help his people to be strong in faith and peaceful and resourceful in spirit; he also wants to promote education and self-reliance as ways to ’ plift the living standards of the people.’ This Sunday is a day of prayer for the nation. see How to Pray for Kenya  Globally we can join the Kenyan Church and pray they would continue to be strong on the issue of social justice, be the voice of the voiceless, and offer Christian values that bring the people together in unity through Christ as the children of God. Kenya is beginning to see themselves as a nation and starting to say, ‘What can we do for ourselves?’

Pray: that Kenya will continue to take a new direction with God’s help.(Ps.16:11)


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