Iran: Pastor rearrested on Christmas Day

Written by Super User 03 Jan 2013

Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani was arrested on Christmas Day allegedly because of improperly completed paperwork, denying him the chance to celebrate the birth of Christ at home with his family for the first time in three years. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) and Present Truth Ministries both reported the news, saying Pastor Nadarkhani was back in Lakan Prison in Rasht serving another 40 days. ‘We are disappointed to hear Pastor Nadarkhani has been returned to prison in such an irregular manner,’ said Mervyn Thomas, CSW's Chief Executive. ‘The timing is insensitive and especially sad for his wife and sons who were looking forward to celebrating Christmas together. We hope that Pastor Nadarkhani will be released without delay once this alleged sentence has been fully served. In November Pastor Nadarkhani thanked all who prayed and advocated for his release during CSW's National Conference in London, where he was a special guest.

Pray: for the pastor's safety, and for his family at this difficult time. Pray also for the un-reached peoples across Iran to have a hunger to know God and meet His Son. (Eph.4:1)



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