Iran: Pastor on trial for 'thoughts'

Written by Super User 23 Oct 2010

Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reported a Christian pastor in Iran faces a potential death penalty for a ‘thought crime’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says they don't have a ‘thought crime' law yet that's what Pastor Nadarkhani is charged with.’ VOM confirms the Pastor’s trial was wrapped up within the last 60 days but the formal verdict has not been announced nor a sentence imposed. Nadarkhani was arrested in 2009 after complaining about the Islamic instruction of his Christian sons in the school system. Religious education is a part of the curriculum but the Christian Nadarkhani family wanted their sons to receive Christian religious instruction instead of Islamic. Nadarkhani's wife Fatima was arrested several months earlier and remains behind bars. Their arrests can be linked to a crackdown by authorities concerned about the spread of Christianity among Muslims in the country.

Pray: for God to thwart Iran’s attempts to control every facet of society and religious expression and for justice to prevail in the courts. (Eze.34:16)


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