Iran: Nuclear update

Written by Super User 27 Feb 2012

NY Times report: ‘As tension grew in its nuclear dispute with the West, Iran warned it would take pre-emptive action against perceived foes if it felt its national interests were threatened. Without mentioning Israel directly, Mohammed Hejazi, the deputy Armed Forces head said, ‘Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran's national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions.' Reuters reported. ‘Divisions in Iran's leadership make it difficult to interpret the government's intentions, but the statement showed a new level of aggressiveness in Iran's rhetoric.’ A two-day visit by the International Atomic Energy Agency team is the second in less than a month amid growing concerns over alleged Iranian weapons experiments. Two Iranian warships docked in the Syrian port of Tartus on Monday as a senior Iranian lawmaker denounced American calls for arming the Syrian opposition.

Pray: that God in His mercy will reign over Iranian leaders and scientists. (Ps.35:17-18)



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