Iran: Nuclear talks and Earthquake

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2013

On Tuesday a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck close to Iran's nuclear power station, killing at least 37 people and injuring 850 more. The distance between the earthquake focal point and the nuclear power plant was 80km. The quake was felt across the Gulf in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, where workers were evacuated from high-rise buildings as a precaution. Meanwhile on the same day EU Nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers in Kazakhstan revealed that 'the two sides remain far apart on substance.' At a P5+1 international meeting Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman urged the world powers to recognize the Islamic Republic’s nuclear rights and take confidence-building measures with Tehran. He reiterated that the Islamic Republic will use its nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes and the development of the country. Israel and other allies fear Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy programme.,7340,L-4364580,00.html

Pray: that God would speak and achieve His purposes through the international community regarding Iran’s intentions. (Ps.33:10-11)


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