Iran: House-church pastor assaulted and arrested in Karaj

Written by Super User 18 May 2010

The Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN) says that that on Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 4:30 pm, several plain clothes security officers, introducing themselves as ‘agents of the Ministry of Information,’ invaded the home of a local house-church pastor in the city of Karaj, which is situated about 13 miles west of the capital of Tehran, and after threatening those who were present there, assaulted and arrested the pastor, named Behnam Irani, and transported him to an undisclosed location. ‘Sources in and around the city of Karaj report than approximately 10 young men had gathered to fellowship and practice their newly found faith by studying the Bible, void of any political or current issues, when this attack occurred,’ said a FCNN spokesperson. ‘Each attendee was informed that they had attended an illegal meeting and in the coming days they would be called and summoned for further questioning by the authorities.’

Pray: for the believers in Iran that the Lord would protect them and uphold those who are being imprisoned for their faith. (Ps.32:6-7)


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