Iran: High court urged to reverse death sentence for Christian

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

Iran's pre-Islamic religious groups – Zoroastrians, Christians, and Jews – are recognized as ‘protected’ religious minorities in the constitution. But according to the U.S. State Department's latest report, ‘government respect for religious freedom in the country has continued to deteriorate.’ An estimated 300,000 people in Iran are Christians. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran made an appeal in support of Youcef Nadarkhani who was charged with apostasy and his lawyer has filed an objection to the sentence with the high court. ‘To execute someone based on the religion they choose to practice or not practice is the ultimate form of religious discrimination and disregard for the freedom of conscience and belief,’ said Aaron Rhodes a spokesperson for the Campaign. Rhodes argued ‘there are no articles in Iran's Islamic Penal Code that refer to apostasy as a crime.’

Pray: for Iran to stay within its own legal framework and for Youcef to be released immediately. (Pr.3:13)


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