Iran: Facing death in Prison

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2012

Jailed Iranian pastor Behnam Irani is ‘already facing death’ after being denied proper medical care promised by prison officials. An update on his condition from a council member of the pastor's Church of Iran said he was suffering in jail and his situation was getting worse. Irani, who is in his 40s, was arrested in 2011 for 'acting against the interests of national security’ but several persecution watch groups said the real reason was his preaching the Gospel and leading Iranians to Christ. After being severely beaten in Prison and being found several times unconscious in his cell when visited, a hospital examination discovered a bleeding ulcer. Officials claimed he would be provided with more care – but so far that hasn't happened. A recent update reported he had a blood infection and may need surgery to remove part of his intestines which are the source of infection. However despite earlier promises nothing has been done. There is more of Behnam’s tragic story at

Pray: for Pastor Behnam’s complete healing and releasse for God’s peace and comfort to be with him, his family, and all in Iranian prisons for their faith. (Ps.59:4)


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