Iran: Excellent and tragic reports

Written by Super User 28 Jun 2010

The number of Christians in Iran has grown from 500 known believers in 1979 to at least 100,000 today. Church leaders have reportedly said that millions can be added to the church in the next few years -such is the spiritual hunger that exists and the disillusionment with the Islamic regime. Iran is a strategic gateway nation with a growing church that will impact the Islamic world. For stories of how God is transforming Iran go to: Against this backdrop we learn of continual crack-downs on Christians by Iran's security forces, the most recent being a raid last Friday on a prayer meeting in Tehran where Christians were praying for fellow believers jailed in earlier raids. The Iranian Church is a growing, secretive, delicate alternative way of life in Iran that many are embracing. They need our continued prayers as they grow into their inheritance.

Pray: for God to comfort and protect his children in detention and increase international pressure to allow religious freedom nationally. (Ps.5:3,4)


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