Iran: Alarming report ‘US and Israeli troop concentrations’

Written by Super User 28 Jun 2010

Iranian sources report the Revolutionary Guard deploying men and equipment in a ‘war alert’ situation’ in the Caspian Sea region due to increasing US and Israeli military personnel in Azerbaijan. On June 22 a Revolutionary Guards commander tasked with ‘repelling’ an US-Israeli offensive said, ‘reinforcements are being dispatched to West Azerbaijan Province because some western countries are fuelling ethnic conflicts to destabilize the situation in the region.’ Asian News reported ‘12 US warships transited through the Suez Canal a few days ago. Three naval squadrons are currently in the region. Forces appear to be in position for a possible attack against Iran’s nuclear sites. Late July and early August could provide a window of opportunity for action. Iran threatens chaos in Saudi Arabia if it is attacked. Economic factors are determining the timing of the crisis.’ Debka reports confirmed that in the last few days, Israel transferred a large number of bomber jets to bases in Azerbaijan, via Georgia, and US special forces are also concentrated in Azerbaijan in preparation for a strike.’

Pray: that military and political leaders would act wisely and would seek peace. Pray that the strongholds of violence in the region would be bound. (Ps.5:10-12)


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