Iran: A 'victory for moderation' says new President

Written by Super User 20 Jun 2013

President Hassan Rouhani said, ‘a new opportunity has been created for those who truly respect democracy, interaction and free dialogue.’ He oversees an Iran whose social and economic situation is deteriorating, unemployment rising, inflation at unprecedented levels and many combining several jobs because the wage does not counterbalance inflation. There’s an increasing gap between rich and poor. Workers have no right to organise freely. Attempts to establish independent trade unions have been harshly repressed and labour leaders imprisoned on charges including ‘acting against national security’ and ‘spreading propaganda against the system.’ Over 50% of the population live under the poverty line. White House spokesman Jay Carney stopped short of congratulating Mr Rouhani urging him instead to heed the will of the Iranian people. ‘We respect the vote of the Iranian people and congratulate them for their participation in the political process,’ he added. This week on 20th June at Iranian embassies worldwide there will be demonstrations for imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini and human rights abuses. See also:

Pray: that Mr Rouhani's change in style would address poverty, human rights issues and be flexible in dialogue towards the US and key UN Security Council members. (Mat.12:20)



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