Haiti: Slow return to normality after earthquake

Written by Super User 19 Jul 2010

Some Haitians feel as if it happened just days ago, the Rev. Kerwin Delicat, a priest based in the city of Léogâne, said as people prepared to mark six months since the January earthquake. Some progress is discernible and eventually there will be a return to normal life, but it's like something that just happened. Many residents still mourn loved ones. For some, trauma is less palpable than immediately after the quake, but others are still struggling to resume their lives. Christian Aid staff had to relocate after their offices were destroyed and they are impatient at the slow pace of some recovery efforts, saying they want the Haitian government to be more forthright in finding better and ultimately permanent, housing for the tens of thousands still in displacement camps and living in tents. It will take a long time for many families to restart a normal life because the consequences have been so huge.

Pray: for the mercy of God to flow, for the kingdom of God to advance, and the powers of witchcraft and voodoo to be broken over the nation, so a new day for the Haitian people will arise. (Ps.28:2)

More: http://www.eni.ch/featured/article.php?id=4255

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