Haiti: Setbacks for rebuilding efforts

Written by Super User 16 Mar 2012

Prime Minister Garry Conille has resigned and existing reconstruction contracts will be honoured - but no new contracts can be signed. Only a tiny proportion of international donor money for Haiti Earthquake victims has gone to the government, largely because of corruption and unruliness; therefore 300,000 people still live in tent cities in Port-au-Prince. There has been a perverse incentive for some to remain in tents because of the high level of public services provided by international NGOs. These agencies provide basic sanitation, health and education services in the camps, but they are not set up to rebuild infrastructure for a major city. Providing public sanitation for example is the role of government. Christian Aid advocated international donors funding should go directly to the Haitian government and corruption could be allayed by careful monitoring.’

Pray: for political stability and discernment, for wise government management and distribution of donor funding. (Is.34:22)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2012/mar/13/haiti-constitutional-crisis-setback-rebuilding-efforts


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