Haiti: Cholera and riots with political agenda

Written by Super User 19 Nov 2010

Health officials say the cholera bacteria now raging through Haiti is a very virulent strain matching those commonly found in South Asia, so rioting Haitians believe the cause of the Cholera epidemic in Haiti originated from Minustah peacekeepers from Nepal. Rumours have spread for weeks that latrine discharges at a Nepalese peacekeeper camp are to blame, even though the U.N. says the soldiers there have tested negative for cholera. With a presidential election on November 28th the U.N. sees more than just health concerns involved. Protests were not spontaneous because they all began at around 6 a.m. on Monday suggesting a level of politically motivated coordination by Haitians who oppose the election. ‘This was a clear message to boycott the election,’ said a government official. Nevertheless the riots have closed airports and roads, and are stopping much needed aid reaching people dying from a disease that can kill in 4 hours.

Pray: for hospital staff, health workers, and aid organisations to be enabled and strengthened as they work to combat the spread of the disease. (Ps.28:2)

More: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2031665,00.html

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