Haiti: Another cholera outbreak

Written by Super User 23 Jun 2011

Last week, the Pan-American Health Organization issued a statement saying that 2,600 people were infected with cholera every week.(Oxfam said the number of deaths is lower than last year as people can get help faster.) Basic hygiene plays a crucial role in prevention, but in many poor communities, especially in the rural areas where the Baptist Haiti Mission serves, people don't have dependable access to supplies like bleach and other disinfectants. The Civil Protection Department called the situation critical and the Red Cross reopened a cholera treatment centre near Port-au-Prince. The Health organisation reported, ‘The situation in Port-au-Prince continues to deteriorate. They continue to receive new patients through the day. An estimate of 1,300 patients is currently admitted in units in Port-au-Prince who are operating at full capacity. The service for dead body management is now functioning between 6am and 9pm.

Pray: that the resources of aid agencies would contain the disease and establish systems and structures to eradicate it. (Ps.103:3)

More: http://new.paho.org/hai/index.php?lang=en

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