Afghanistan: Campaign to free Christians

Written by Super User 06 Mar 2011

We can rejoice over the release of prisoner Said Musa, a Muslim convert to Christianity under threat of execution for apostasy, as Christian human rights organizations continue to work for the release of other converts who remain behind bars for their faith. Barnabas Aid remains deeply concerned about Shoaib Assadullah, an Afghan convert to Christianity facing execution for apostasy, and other converts in prison in Afghanistan who have not received international publicity. In a letter dated February 17 Shoaib expressed fears that he will ‘most definitely’ be sentenced to death by the court. He has been incarcerated since being arrested last October for giving a New Testament in the national Dari language to another Afghan, who later reported him to the authorities.

Pray: for God to strengthen and protect all struggling for religious freedom in Afghanistan, and for God’s sprit to embrace every prisoner. (Rev.2:10)


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