Afghanistan: Bombs, trauma, refugees and poisoning

Written by Super User 05 Apr 2012

Militants killed four Afghan policemen and two civilians inside a police checkpoint by poisoning their yoghurt . Suicide bomb attacks continue to target government officials or military personnel killing and injuring innocent bystanders in larger numbers than the actual targets. A suicide bomb attack near a government ministry was recently discovered and prevented. If successful it could have resulted in many deaths. After thirty years of war nearly everyone in the country has experienced the death of a relative or friend and many people have been severely injured or maimed. People under thirty cannot remember a time of peace, but almost all long for a time when they can live in peace and safety. Many who have left because of war and poverty are scattered around the world starting new lives but others live as refugees struggling to survive. There are many orphans in Afghanistan.

Pray: for the organisations and churches attempting to minister to the many needs. May God bring a great harvest of people coming to faith out of this chaos.(Mt.9:37)



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