Help is urgently needed for refugees in a closed country in SE Asia. Next week a Christian team will be travelling to some refugee camps and distributing supplies. They hope to hand out items in time…
The death toll has risen to 49 after a suicide bomber disguised in a school uniform blew himself up at a boys' secondary school in northern Nigeria on Monday. 57 people were injured. Other reports put…
Nigeria’s population growth has put immense pressure on overstretched public services and infrastructure. 45% of the population are under 15 years of age and 4.7 million primary school age children are not in school. Statistically, 40%…
Following protests and civil disorder when Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Christians erected a tent where 8-10 hours of praise, worship, intercession, and evangelism occurred daily. Believers of every hue united to provide opportunities for…
APEC is a 21-nation Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum that met this week to move towards a new free trade zone and agree as a climate deal. America and Russia are part of APEC. President Barack Obama…
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned that Palestinians will not allow Israeli extremists to ‘contaminate’ the Temple Mount, saying that allowing Jewish prayer at the site would risk a global religious war. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…