Canada: Church’s pastor missing in North Korea

Written by Linda Digby 15 Jul 2015
Canada: Church’s pastor missing in North Korea

The Light Presbyterian Church continue praying for their founding pastor, detained in
North Korea since early March. Despite the lack of information, they remain hopeful that
God will bring Revd. Hyeon Soo Lim home. A member of the church said, ‘This is taking
longer than we would like, but we remind ourselves that God’s will trumps our desires, He
hears our prayers and He is good.’ Lim disappeared while visiting humanitarian facilities
in North Korea. Under his leadership, the missions-centred church regularly sends small
teams to oversee agricultural projects, food factories, schools, orphanages, and a
nursing home they founded. Those who know Lim well, say he has a long-term vision and
wouldn’t have risked the opportunities they have in North Korea by overtly sharing the
gospel. When they pray many members feel that God has a purpose, - God will use him to
work in the hearts of the people who are around him and bring him home in His timing.

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