Christians make up less than 2% of Pakistan's overwhelmingly Muslim population, and Christian communities are often targeted by militants. Last weekend an offshoot of the Pakistan Taliban claimed responsibility for bombing two churches in the Christian…
A brother in Pakistan writes, ‘The government continues to crack down on terrorism.  In some places it has made it hard for smaller groups of Christians.  Churches and schools have to have metal detectors, high walls…
As Boko Haram brings death and destruction to Nigeria, a radio ministry is reporting miraculous testimonies of salvation and protection in the midst of terror. The Tide radio talks about Jesus in the language they were…
A group of 30+ gunmen attacked the Ibn Sina Hospital in Sirte and abducted 20 workers. The hospital workers had decided to leave the city because of the poor security situation there and the Islamic State…
The next step following the Israeli election is to form a coalition government. The final results of the ballot boxes will be known by Friday as the soldiers’ and diplomats’ votes need to be counted. After…
Four years ago this week a group of young teenagers with a can of paint sprayed messages on a wall in Daraa city. They couldn’t have known it but, over the next nine days, their graffiti…