Middle East: Obama and Netanyahu talk about unrest and security

Written by Linda Digby 13 Nov 2015
Middle East: Obama and Netanyahu talk about unrest and security

Increased military aid to Israel and prospects for peace with the Palestinians were discussed at a friendly meeting between US president Barack Obama and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week. ‘We do believe it's very important,’ said Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser, ‘that in an uncertain security environment we are signalling our long-term commitment to Israel and its security, and are designing a package that is tailored to the threats and challenges that Israel will be facing over the course of the next decade.’ Obama and Netanyahu also discussed the fresh wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence that began two months ago and has spread across Israel (see above). Officials said that Obama no longer believes that a Palestinian state can be achieved before 2017. Netanyahu said he still hopes for peace, two states for two people, with a demilitarised Palestinian state and recognition of the Jewish state's right to exist.

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