Detention centres were set up on Christmas Island, Manus Island and Nauru Island for processing asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, China and Vietnam. A recent report revealed that suicide attempts and hunger strikes were common,…
This coming weekend more than 160 leaders of prayer ministries and networks across the USA will gather in Colorado Springs for a prayer initiative on national security, ‘Seeking God’s Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of…
A Canadian intercessor writes, ‘On Monday, 19 October, Canada has a Federal Election which will determine who rules in Canada over the next five years. The three main parties are equally split and could result in…
Muslim extremists in Aceh province fulfilled a threat against Christians and burned down an Indonesian Christian church. Their pastor and congregation are greatly affected and asking people to support persecuted Christians there and to pray for…
The Temple Mount has become a focus of friction between Israelis and Palestinians. Fear is dividing Jerusalem as Jews and Arabs lose their sense of security to a severe degree unseen since the second intifada. Violence…
Australia experienced its third-driest September on record, with large parts of Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania getting very little rain. The chance of a drier than normal October is 70%, with the probability rising to…