Pakistan: suspects in 'blasphemy' killing bailed

Written by David Fletcher 29 Apr 2016
Pakistan: suspects in 'blasphemy' killing bailed

The four main culprits accused of the murder of Christian couple Shahzad Masih and Shama Bibi, who were tortured and thrown into a burning brick kiln last November, have been set free on bail. This decision suggests complicity by the police, and does not help to establish justice. The Christian couple were said to have 'desecrated the Quran’: blasphemy is a very sensitive issue, with allegations often prompting mob violence (as they did this time). . However they were indentured labourers at the kiln, and one of those charged with their death is the owner. Brick kiln labourers have harsh working conditions and are paid approximately £1.30 a day. Child labour is common. 1.7million children from the age of five work in illegal brick factories 14 hours a day.

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