The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Russian Orthodox Church are planning an October summit in Moscow on religious persecution. The summit will shine a global light on persecuted Christians and draw attention to this crisis.…
Multi-lingual missionaries know persecution but continue to distribute tracts and share the gospel with Turkish, Iranian and Iraqi people groups using materials in Farsi, Arabic, Turkish and other languages. People in the villages are very receptive…
It was reported today that North Korea has test-fired two ballistic missiles, the fifth time it has done so. This was in defiance of the sanctions resolution which the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted this…
In television’s ever-growing quest for shock-driven ratings, Channel 7 has stooped to a new low with its ‘Seven Year Switch’ offering. Australian Christian Lobby managing director Lyle Shelton said a programme glamourising partner-swapping and disloyalty did…
Kurdish forces recapturing cities from Islamic State in Iraqi Kurdistan have discovered incredible tunnel networks which jihadists use as escape routes. In the Yazidi city of Sinjar, seventy tunnels have already been discovered. The narrow tunnels,…
An Istanbul court has ordered the newspaper Zaman, Turkey's best-selling daily newspaper, into administration, which is ‘deeply concerning’. Zaman is linked to a US-based preacher who is the arch-enemy of the Turkish president. The newspaper has…