Israel: Arab peacemakers imprisoned by Palestinian Authority

Written by David Fletcher 28 Oct 2016
Israel: Arab peacemakers imprisoned by Palestinian Authority

Four Arab guests who came to visit Efrat Local Council head, Oded Revivi, at his ‘Sukkah of Peace’ last week during the Jewish festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) were imprisoned for their neighbourly act by the Palestinian Authority They were released on the start of the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, after intervention by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appealed to world leaders on behalf of the Palestinian Authority citizens who had done nothing more than act as good neighbours and who were punished by their government in response. The four were accused of ‘meeting baby killers’ the day after visiting the sukkah, where they sat with Jewish neighbours and talked about peace. ‘Where is the intervention of human rights organisations?’ Netanyahu asked world leaders. ‘These groups prove again and again that they have no real interest in human rights, but are interested only in shaming Israel.’

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