Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Friday, 17 November 2017 10:48

Christian teacher - disciplinary hearing

Joshua Sutcliffe, a respected Christian maths teacher at an Oxfordshire secondary school, is facing discipline for 'misgendering' a student. On 2 November a complaint was made that Joshua referred to a pupil as a 'girl', rather than the desired ‘boy’. Although born as a girl, the pupil had self-declared as ‘male’. Joshua had not been given any formal instruction on how to refer to the pupil. An investigation began immediately; Joshua was prevented from teaching and forced to spend all his time ‘in isolation’ in the staff room. He is now suspended, pending a further investigation. Joshua said, ‘While “gender is fluid” conflicts sharply with my Christian beliefs, I recognise my responsibility as a teacher and Christian to treat each of my pupils with respect and dignity. I have never looked to impose my convictions on others, I just try to live out the gospel of peace.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:23

Praying for our Government

Theresa May has called for a ‘new culture of respect’. In this challenging time for our Parliament, we can intercede for all our leaders to begin to demonstrate the Kingdom values of respect, moral uprightness, financial integrity, truthfulness and wisdom. We can cry out for a fresh move of God’s Holy Spirit to touch minds and hearts so that the guilty are convicted and repent, victims see justice, and all corruption and scandals are removed to make way for a new Kingdom culture to be established at the centre of political life. Pray that God will cause the Prime Minister’s spoken words to become a self-fulfilling prophecy: ‘a place in which everyone can feel confident that they are working in a safe and secure environment, where complaints can be brought forward without prejudice and victims know that these complaints will be investigated properly’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:18

Foreign secretary’s blunder

Evin is a brutal and infamous prison. Dorothy Parvaz, who was held there in 2011, said detainees face daily cross-examinations, with constantly changing conditions in attempts to trick prisoners to admit to alleged crimes in a psychological battle. In May 2016 we reported on a campaign to free Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a Christian British charity worker held in Evin prison. A petition was given to David Cameron to act on her behalf for early release. But she was given a five-year sentence for ‘attempting to topple the government’. Now, foreign secretary Boris Johnson has told the House of Commons that she was ‘teaching Iranians journalism’. It was an incorrect statement which could cause Iran to double her five-year sentence. Nazanin suffers depression from being separated from her husband and three-year-old daughter. Boris’s latest blunder has provoked an online petition accusing him of being unfit for the job, lacking attention to detail, a threat to British people, and damaging overseas relations. It calls for his resignation.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:15

Fixed odds betting terminals

Churches and faith groups have urged the Government to be strong on reforms to fixed odds betting terminals (FOBTs). While they welcomed its recent announcement of a consultation on proposed changes to gaming machines, they warned that the range of options for a maximum stake for FOBTs was too wide. They believe that if the maximum stake is radically reduced, from the current £100 maximum to £2, this will help to reduce the potentially enormous financial loss some people experience, and therefore the consequences - which include debt, depression and crime. They urged the Government to view gambling addiction as a public health issue, stating, ‘The Department of Health must engage with gambling addiction strategically, at the levels of prevention and also treatment for individuals.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:13

One month, one church, one prayer

This month Christian organisations are seeking to encourage the Church to pray for fellow believers who suffer because of their faith. Around the world, Christians risk harassment, discrimination, imprisonment and even death simply for trying to live out their faith or worship together. This has become such a significant issue that Release International, Open Doors, Christian Solidarity Worldwide and the Evangelical Alliance have joined together to form the Religious Liberty Commission. The RLC focuses on encouraging Christians to pray for brothers and sisters across the globe who suffer and are persecuted because of their faith. While it enables the member organisations to speak as one voice for persecuted Christians, it does not claim to be the only voice and action group for them, and very much welcomes the fact that others are also doing excellent work in this area (see the next article).

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:11

Safe Haven

Safe Haven gives refuge to those who face the threat of violence for freely choosing to leave Islam and follow Jesus. It does this mainly by connecting victims with those who can provide a safe place, a secure and loving home away from the hostility. It acts as a go-between, bringing together those in need with those offering help. The plan is to create a national network of safe houses for Christians who have converted from a Muslim background. It is looking for people to help or people who can provide accommodation. Anonymity is vital in these kinds of situations, and Safe Haven maintains strict confidentiality in all its dealings with both victims and those offering help.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:58

Friday Focus: joyful invitation

When Jesus sends out the 72 he tells them the truth that as they go to invite people to hear about the kingdom of God, they will be either welcomed or rejected: if the latter, they are to wipe the dust from their feet. Do we miss the joy of inviting people to take a closer look at Jesus because we fear rejection?

(Michael Harvey, National Weekend of Invitation)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:56

Sex scandals in parliament and Oxfam

Following the sex scandal surrounding Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, several senior government ministers have now been accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour in a dossier circulating Westminster. Then on 2 November the media reported that defence secretary Sir Michael Fallon had resigned over accusations of inappropriate behaviour. A spokesman for the Prime Minister said that any unwanted sexual behaviour is ‘completely unacceptable in any walk of life’. Meanwhile, it was revealed that Oxfam had dismissed 22 employees over sexual abuse allegations in the past year. Concern is rising about Oxfam’s management of overseas networks. Pray that all that is hidden in commerce, industry and the armed forces is revealed, and that all women are dealt with as professionals and as equals. See:

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:54

Luther-style protest over gay relationships

A campaign targeting cathedrals around the UK is spreading off the back of the 31 October 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation when an Augustinian monk criticised some practices of the church. The Ninety-five Theses (propositions) were pinned to a noticeboard and later posted on the door of a German cathedral. A list of 'declarations', reminiscent of the reformation protest, is being pinned to cathedral doors by priests objecting to what they see as the CofE's liberal approach to same-sex relationships. St Paul's Cathedral and Southwark Cathedral were the first to have the ‘Southwark Declaration’ promoting conservative Anglican theology attached to their doors. Next, Hereford and Rochester Cathedrals were targeted in what is becoming a nationwide campaign. The campaigners are focusing on cathedrals which they perceive to have a liberal slant. The document, signed by over sixty priests, hopes to pressure bishops into maintaining a conservative approach to same-sex relationships.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:52

Northern Ireland budget bill

Plans are being put in place to impose a budget for regional government departments in Northern Ireland, the secretary of state has revealed. But James Brokenshire stressed this did not mean a return to direct rule from London over the province. The Northern Ireland secretary vowed on 1 November that he would shelve his budget preparations if the two main parties in the Stormont assembly, (Sinn Féin and the Democratic Unionists) quickly secured a deal to restore power-sharing to Belfast. However, Sinn Féin said that imposing a budget from Westminster was tantamount to direct rule and would derail the negotiations between the two parties. In return, Brokenshire emphasised that if he failed to act in the next few weeks, the regional government ministries in Belfast would simply run out of money. So he is planning to enable a budget bill to be introduced at Westminster when appropriate, to protect the delivery of Northern Ireland’s public services.

Published in British Isles