Displaying items by tag: Ukraine

Friday, 14 July 2023 00:12

Ukraine: humanitarian response

The war in Ukraine has further escalated in 2023, with hostilities ravaging communities in the east and south and taking a heavy toll on civilians living close to the front line. Mine contamination is also creating tremendous challenges for civilians trying to get back to their farms, and for humanitarians striving to deliver assistance. Despite tremendous challenges, humanitarian organisations in Ukraine continue to reach more people every month. By the end of April, 5.4 million had received aid. This was possible thanks to the efforts of hundreds of aid organisations, local groups and volunteers who play a vital role in getting assistance for those who need it the most. Insecurity and access challenges continue, however, to hamper assistance in areas under Russian military control. Funding also remains low, adding to the challenges. Although strikes on energy infrastructure that had driven urgent humanitarian needs during the winter months have decreased, homes, schools, water systems and hospitals continue to be damaged.

Published in Europe
Friday, 07 July 2023 09:53

Ukraine: fight for their lives

Ukraine's counter-offensive is currently slow and cautious. But this patient approach should soon pay off as long-range strikes prevent Russia rearming frontline units, and low Russian morale provides opportunities for strategic breakthroughs by Ukrainian forces. There are vast stretches of minefields lying ahead of Ukraine's counter-attack. ‘Petals’ - small, green, anti-personnel mines - are being scattered by Russian rockets across fields previously liberated and cleared by Ukraine forces. President Zelensky admitted Ukraine’s counterattack was ‘slower than desired’, partly due to minefields slowing down troop movement. The enemy has no mercy for their own soldiers. They are used as cannon fodder. But Ukraine is trying to move forwards with the minimum of casualties. One soldier said, ‘We are learning to improvise and to invent ways to make quick, safe paths through the minefields. But we are fighting a very vicious enemy.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 07 July 2023 09:51

Ukraine: nuclear explosion fears

Volodymyr Zelensky sparked concerns globally when he accused Russian troops of placing ‘objects resembling explosives’ on the roof of a cooler at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP). Putin has long flirted with the nuclear spectre since mounting his Ukraine invasion. Zelensky suggested Putin might cause a nuclear incident by turning ZNPP itself into a weapon. As Ukraine attempts to reclaim territory captured by Russia, including the Zaporizhzhya region, Russia could claim any explosion at ZNPP resulted from reckless Ukrainian shelling, not its own explosives. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday, ‘The situation at the plant is quite tense. The potential for sabotage by the Kyiv regime is high and could have catastrophic consequences.’

Published in Europe

Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda said that while it will not get everything it's hoping for, Ukraine will not be disappointed at the NATO summit on July 11-12. ‘I believe we will find wording that will not disappoint Ukrainians and will state more than we are used to saying’, he said. He added that he could not say whether Ukraine will receive an invitation to join NATO after the war, as dialogue on the subject is ongoing. He also said that individual states will present their own aid packages for Ukraine at the summit.

Published in Europe
Friday, 23 June 2023 10:06

African leaders say Ukraine war must end

South Africa's president Cyril Ramaphosa has told Vladimir Putin the war in Ukraine must end. His remarks came when he met Mr Putin on 17 June as part of an African peace mission of seven African countries. President Volodymyr Zelensky had already told the delegation that he would not enter talks with Russia while they occupied Ukrainian land. Mr Ramaphosa also called for both parties to return their prisoners of war, and said children removed by Russia should be returned home. As the African delegation called for the return of children to their families, Putin interrupted their speech, claiming, ‘Children are sacred. We moved them out of the conflict zone, saving their lives and health’. Mr Ramaphosa also warned Mr Putin of the impact of the war on Africa and said it should be settled by diplomacy.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 June 2023 10:07

Ukraine: hydropower dam destroyed

Kakhovka hydropower dam in Russian-controlled Ukraine has been destroyed, unleashing floods of water on either side of the Dnipro river. So far, thousands have been evacuated from local communities; but as water continues to gush, it is a race against time. The UN humanitarian aid chief warns of grave, far-reaching consequences for thousands. Pray for the safety of families threatened by floating mines, disease, and hazardous chemicals in the floodwaters. Fears of vast swathes of grain-producing land flooding caused global grain prices to rise. NATO’s secretary general said the ‘outrageous’ destruction of the dam showed ‘the brutality of Russia's war in Ukraine’. EU’s council president said, ‘Russian destruction of civilian infrastructure is a war crime’. The Red Cross reported that huge numbers of landmines have washed down downstream, threatening rescue operations. Pray for rescuers to be cautious. Water is being transported by drones to the stranded. May boats reach them soon. 

Published in Europe
Thursday, 25 May 2023 23:42

Ukraine: Bakhmut

There were about 70,000 people living in Bakhmut before the invasion, but only a few thousand remain in the devastated city, once best known for its salt and gypsum mines and huge winery. The US believe over 20,000 Russian soldiers had been killed in the battle for Bakhmut and another 80,000 wounded. Ukraine has not released figures on its Bakhmut casualties, but there have been heavy losses. Capturing Bakhmut would bring Russia slightly closer to its goal of controlling all of Donetsk region, one of four regions annexed by Russia following referendums widely condemned outside Russia as a sham. Russia's Wagner mercenary group has started withdrawing from Bakhmut and has vowed to transfer control of the city to the Russian army by 1 June, but Kyiv says it still controls pockets of the city.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 25 May 2023 23:40

Ukraine: weapons and counterattacks

The conflict in Ukraine is about to enter a new high-intensity phase as Kyiv’s troops gear up for an anticipated counteroffensive. Ukraine’s persistent lobbying of allies has yielded significant results as NATO members have gradually relented about supplying high-tech weapons. The fighting in the coming weeks is likely to be bloody, as Ukraine aims to take back territory which Russia captured in the opening weeks of the invasion. A mix of complex weapons from across the world will require the adept handling of logistics if the offensive is to keep up its momentum, and supply and repair are vital for any advance to be successful. The Ukrainian military will have its work cut out. Russian forces have had months to prepare for the series of battles that could define the nature of the war. Both sides realise what is at stake. Russia will not give up its ground easily, despite talk of low morale among its forces.

Published in Europe
Friday, 19 May 2023 10:04

PM meets Zelenskyy at Chequers

The UK has agreed to send hundreds of long-range missiles and armed drones to Ukraine. This is on top of last week's decision to provide Kyiv with Storm Shadow cruise missiles. These moves mean the UK is going further than any other country in providing weapons with the potential to tip the war in Ukraine's favour. President Zelenskyy met Rishi Sunak at Chequers for two hours of talks as part of his tour of Western allies in preparation for the much-anticipated counter-offensive against Russia. If Ukraine can destroy Russia's command centres, logistics hubs and ammunition depots in occupied territory, it may prove impossible for Moscow to continue resupplying its frontline troops. Mr Zelenskyy said the Ukraine and UK are ‘real partners’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 May 2023 09:52

Ukraine: hope amidst muddled messages

Whole towns flattened into fields of dirt, brick, and branches. People emerge from underground shelters to search for food and relief supplies. One country sent tanks. One country didn’t. Russia is winning. No, Ukraine is winning. Reports coming out of Ukraine are muddled. Different narratives spotlight different elements of the war. Yet the ones who feel forgotten are the Ukrainian families huddled in basements. The local churches are stepping up with aid to places where news cameras won’t go. The Holy Spirit is sending believers with the hope and help of Jesus Christ. Pray for more Christians to arise as messengers of His hope to the hopeless. Ask God to strengthen the Church as it becomes the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting physical and spiritual needs. Pray for increased opportunities for Ukrainians to discover and follow Christ.

Published in Europe