Balkans / Greece / Ukraine: heatwave causes huge problems

Written by David Fletcher 18 Jul 2024
Balkans / Greece / Ukraine: heatwave causes huge problems

The Balkans, along with much of Europe, are enduring a prolonged heatwave, which has led to the unprecedented drying up of Serbia's Rusanda salt lake. An expert has warned that such heatwaves could become more frequent due to climate change. Temperatures in the Balkans have soared to 39°C (102°F), and the Adriatic Sea reached a record-high temperature of 29.5°C in Croatian coastal resorts. North Macedonia and Albania have deployed resources to combat forest fires, with North Macedonia declaring a state of emergency. The World Bank has highlighted the need for significant investment to mitigate the impact of climate change. Other European countries, including Italy, Greece, and France, are also experiencing extreme heat. In Ukraine, rain is forecast on 18 July, to break the pattern of several weeks of abnormally high temperatures; the country’s grain harvest is likely to be significantly reduced.

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