Displaying items by tag: protests

Thursday, 18 July 2024 21:46

Kenya: is this man a multiple murderer?

Collins Jumaisi Khalusha has appeared in court after being charged with multiple murders following the discovery of nine dismembered bodies in a Nairobi quarry. Khalusha has supposedly confessed to killing 42 women: his lawyer has claimed he was tortured into confessing, which prosecutors deny. The case has intensified scrutiny on Kenya's police, already under pressure from anti-government protests and accusations of human rights abuses. The bodies, found in sacks, were mostly women aged 18-30. Police say they have found evidence linking Khalusha to the murders, including mobile phones and female clothing at his home. The case has sparked public outrage and renewed focus on femicide in the country: some 500 Kenyan women were murdered between 2017 and January 2024. An independent police authority is investigating potential police involvement. Protests demanding president William Ruto's resignation continue amid the scandal: police chief Japhet Koome has resigned, after pressure to provide answers about the police’s conduct during the protests.

Published in Worldwide

Following violent protests in which 22 people were killed, president William Ruto has announced he will not sign a finance bill proposing new taxes. The bill, which aimed to raise funds to pay off debt, has faced widespread opposition from Kenyans struggling economically. On 25 June thousands of protesters stormed parliament, an action which Ruto called ‘treasonous’. In the chaos which ensued, the police and military were accused of brutality, with human rights groups reporting abductions and hundreds of injuries. Acknowledging the ‘widespread dissatisfaction’, Ruto admitted the need for a national conversation on managing the country's affairs together. The high court has suspended the military deployment and ordered the release of all protestors. Many young voters who supported Ruto in 2022 now oppose his reforms, feeling betrayed by the economic hardships. He has been criticised for not adopting a more conciliatory approach, and widespread protests continue: see

Published in Worldwide

Joe Biden has signed a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, emphasising its importance in enhancing global security. He promised to send the military assistance for Ukraine ‘right away’, with $61 billion allocated for this purpose. The bipartisan bill, approved by the Senate in a 79-18 vote after months of congressional debate, signals America's commitment to its allies. Volodymyr Zelensky hailed the aid as a reinforcement of America's democratic leadership. The package also includes provisions for confiscating Russian assets and imposing new sanctions on Russia, China, and Iran. The aid is expected to provide critical support to Ukraine's forces, which have faced shortages of ammunition and defence systems. Meanwhile, Biden has faced significant protests against his stance on Gaza at different universities, notably Columbia: see

Published in Worldwide

Hundreds of thousands have rallied in Buenos Aires and other cities, protesting against president Javier Milei's austerity measures. The demonstrations united students, professors, trade unions, leftist political parties, and even conservative politicians against the budget cuts which threaten the country's universities. Milei, dismissing the crisis as political manoeuvring, faces criticism for slashing spending across various sectors to achieve a zero deficit. The impact of the cuts is evident as universities struggle to maintain basic services amid soaring inflation (currently 290%). The University of Buenos Aires (UBA) exemplifies the crisis, experiencing power cuts because it cannot cover its electricity bill. The outcry underscores the human cost of Milei’s measures and the urgent need to preserve Argentina's education system.

Published in Worldwide

UK farmers, feeling betrayed post-Brexit, have protested in London against trade deals and new regulations that jeopardise their livelihoods. The demonstrators, accompanied by tractors, converged on Parliament Square, voicing their distress over trade agreements that permit imports of lower-standard foods, undercutting local agriculture. Liz Webster, founder of Save British Farming, criticised the Government for securing 'the worst trade deals in the world’, leading to severe challenges for farmers. The Brexit transition has brought significant upheaval to the UK's agricultural sector, causing bureaucratic issues, exporting challenges, and a decrease in available labour due to reduced migrant workers. The pandemic worsened these effects. Despite initially supporting Brexit to escape the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, farmers now face intense competition from cheaper imports from countries like Australia and New Zealand. The protest also criticised misleading labels that allow non-UK products to bear the Union flag. A recent survey shows a majority in the UK now believe Brexit was economically detrimental, with few feeling personal or national benefits.

Published in British Isles

In Merlo, long lines form outside communal soup kitchens as inflation soars, causing a hunger crisis among the country's poor. President Javier Milei's austerity measures, which have cut government spending, even funds for soup kitchens, have exacerbated the situation. It is estimated that soup kitchens and other similar groups now serve ten million people, out of Argentina's population of 46 million. However, advocates believe the actual number of food-insecure individuals could be higher due to informal hunger relief efforts in marginalised areas. Outrage is mounting, particularly after one minister promised to help the needy and then refused to meet the crowds outside her office the next day; instead she diverted funds to religious organisations. One social leader has criticised the government for failing to address hunger effectively, despite claiming to prioritise direct assistance.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 15 February 2024 22:19

India: two mosques demolished

The recent demolition of two mosques has accentuated religious divisions as India prepares for elections in April / May, expected to secure prime minister Narendra Modi a third term. The demolitions, in Uttarakhand and Delhi, come weeks after the inauguration of the contentious Ram Mandir temple on the site of a historic mosque torn down by Hindu fundamentalists in the 1990s. That ceremony, marking a huge shift away from modern India’s secular founding principles, was hailed by Hindu nationalists as a crowning moment in their decades-long campaign to reshape the nation. Both demolitions were supposedly because of ‘illegal encroachment’. In Uttarakhand, violent confrontations followed, claiming six lives and prompting curfews. Many scared Muslims have said they just want to leave. Analysts fear escalating religious tensions as Modi's BJP advances its populist, divisive policies ahead of the elections. Despite Modi's aspiration to portray India as a vibrant modern superpower, many Muslims feel marginalised in the world’s largest democracy.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 February 2024 20:24

France: farmers’ protest continues

Dozens of farmers were arrested on 31 January after breaking into the huge Rungis wholesale food market south of Paris, during their ongoing protests. Emmanuel Macron’s government had warned farmers not to approach the market, which feeds twelve million people a day. But that failed to take into account the level of anger over what farmers view as unacceptably low pay, stifling red tape, unworkable European policies, and unfair competition from foreign rivals. 91 farmers managed to enter the Rungis site and were arrested for ‘damaging goods’, though they claim they caused no harm. While progress was reported in discussions with new prime minister Gabriel Attal, the protests reflect the deep-seated grievances of farmers against policies they view as detrimental to their livelihoods. At present 4,500 tractors are blocking eighty spots along major roads.

Published in Europe

In Melbourne, early on 26 January (Australia Day), a century-old statue of Captain James Cook was cut down and a Queen Victoria monument vandalised with red paint. Australia Day commemorates the anniversary of Britain's first fleet landing in 1788, marking the start of the colonial era. The Cook statue, which commemorates his 1768-1771 voyage charting Australia's east coast, has a history of being targeted on or around Australia Day. The vandals left the message 'The colony will fall' on its base. Victoria premier Jacinta Allan condemned the vandalism, stating it had no place in the community, and efforts would be made to repair and reinstate the statue and clean the Queen Victoria memorial. While polls indicate that approximately 60% of people support celebrating Australia Day, many view it as inappropriate due to its association with the displacement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands and cultures. Protests against 'Invasion Day' have grown, and some people boycott the holiday.

Published in Worldwide

During this week's Covid inquiry, former prime minister Boris Johnson faced intense scrutiny over his government's handling of the pandemic. Johnson expressed sorrow for the 'loss and suffering' caused by Covid, but bereaved families dismissed his apology, asserting that 'the dead won't hear your apologies’. Johnson acknowledged the government's mistakes and claimed personal responsibility for decisions made, while admitting they were 'oblivious' to the virus's severity early on. Key moments from the inquiry included Johnson's admission of government errors, his reliance on advisers over SAGE meeting notes, and his contemplation of sacking health secretary Matt Hancock. He also faced allegations of asking why the economy was being damaged for those 'who will die anyway soon' and overseeing a 'toxic' culture in Downing Street that hindered the pandemic response. The inquiry, chaired by Baroness Heather Hallet, was marked by protests and interruptions from Covid victims' representatives. Johnson's two-day testimony is part of a larger investigation into UK decision-making and governance during the pandemic, focusing on the government's delayed reaction and alleged mismanagement.

Published in British Isles
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